Quiz – Vowels 6 Simple Finals

Test yourself on your understanding of the six Mandarin simple finals and the four tones!
quiz 6 simple finals
Watch the latest video in my pronunciation series here.

A. Choose the right answer.

1. e i ü a

2. o e a u

3. a u i ü

4. u o e ü

5. i e o ü

Check Answers
1. i

2. e

3. ü

4. u

5. o

Points to take note of:
1. When there is no preceding initial, the final ‘i’ is written as ‘yi’ in pinyin.

2. When there is no preceding initial, the final ‘u’ is written as ‘wu’ in pinyin.

3. When there is no preceding initial, the final ‘ü’ is written as ‘yu’ in pinyin.

From here onwards, the questions will all be written in actual pinyin.

B. Is the pronunciation correct?

1. e

2. o

3. wu

4. yu

5. yi

Check Answers
1. Wrong (wrongly pronounced as yi)

2. Wrong (wrongly pronounced as e)

3. Correct

4. Wrong (wrongly pronounced as wu)

5. Correct

Take it up a notch!
Test your tones as well!

C. Choose the right answer.

1. é è ó á

2. ǎ ě é ǒ

3. yū yú yí wú

4. yī yì wù yù

5. yǔ yí yǐ wǔ

Check Answers
1. è

2. ǎ

3. wú

4. yù

5. yí

D. Choose the right answer.

1. āyí āyì èyú èyì

2. wūyú èyì yìwù wúyí

3. ēyú āyì wùyǔ wǔyì

4. yìwù yìyú yǔyī yǔyì

5. wūyú wúyǔ wǔyī wùyǔ

Check Answers
1. èyì

2. wúyí

3. ēyú

4. yìyú

5. wúyǔ

E. Is the pronunciation correct?

1. éyǔ

2. wúyí

3. wūyú

4. yìyú

5. yǔyī

Check Answers
1. Wrong (wrongly pronounced as èyú)

2. Wrong (wrongly pronounced as wúyǔ)

3. Correct

4. Correct

5. Wrong (wrongly pronounced as yǔyì)

Out of 25, how many did you get? Let me know!
If you have already learnt much more and want greater challenges, try these tests below!

quiz pinyin 1

quiz pinyin 2

quiz pinyin 3

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1 Response

  1. Loren Berry says:

    This quiz was helpful! Please make more.

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