Category: videos

How to Use 了 le and 过 guo

Which of the following mean that the action of eating has occurred? 1a)Wǒ chīle.我吃了。我吃了 1b)Wǒ chīguo.我吃过。我吃过 1c)Wǒ chīguo le.我吃过了。我吃过了 All of them! Both 了 and 过 give the impression that something has occurred. How do you use...

When to Use 了 le

了 = past tense If you ever hear someone tell you that, you can be quite sure that the person doesn’t understand the language at all, even if they are Chinese! Because 了 ≠ past tense! Looks...

Hey! 12 Mandarin Interjections For You!

Is there a way to measure how much a new language is a part of you, or maybe, how much you have accepted that language into your system? I don’t know about you, but for me, when there is a need for some interjection and I spout it out in a foreign language, it is an indication that the language no longer feels that foreign to me anymore.