Category: culture

Hey! 12 Mandarin Interjections For You!

Is there a way to measure how much a new language is a part of you, or maybe, how much you have accepted that language into your system? I don’t know about you, but for me, when there is a need for some interjection and I spout it out in a foreign language, it is an indication that the language no longer feels that foreign to me anymore.

有缘千里来相会 Fate Brings People Together

yǒuyuán qiān lǐ lái xiānghuì, wúyuán duìmiàn bù xiāngféng 有缘千里来相会,无缘对面不相逢 have connection thousand li come meet, no connection face-to-face don’t meet Fate brings people together 缘分 yuánfèn, or just 缘 yuán, is a term we use an awful...

Happy Birthday in 3 Languages

Singapore will be 50 years old tomorrow. Here is the Happy Birthday song in 3 languages. Happy Birthday Singapore! Here’s how to say Happy Birthday in Chinese: zhù nǐ shēngri kuàilè 祝你生日快乐 And in Japanese: o tan...

Chinese New Year Visits

It seems that we have only just welcomed the New Year, and yet very soon, we are going to celebrate it again! This time, the Chinese New Year. With New Year close on the heels of Christmas,...

Chinese Family Relationship Terms

Family ties are of great importance to the Chinese, and huge emphasis is given to terms of family members, including relatives. However distant a relative may be, you can be almost sure that there is some specific...