Tagged: pre-intermediate

Hey! 12 Mandarin Interjections For You!

Is there a way to measure how much a new language is a part of you, or maybe, how much you have accepted that language into your system? I don’t know about you, but for me, when there is a need for some interjection and I spout it out in a foreign language, it is an indication that the language no longer feels that foreign to me anymore.

Mandarin Thru Singlish (1) – why like that one!

If you’re living in Singapore, or if you’ve travelled to Singapore before, you must have been puzzled/ annoyed/ amused (or all of the above) by the Singlish used here. Regardless of your attitude toward Singlish, if you...

Look here! – A look at 看 kàn

Hey there, look here! This is a pretty basic word that most beginners would pick up very soon after embarking on their Mandarin learning journey. Typically translated as ‘look’, ‘watch’, ‘see’, ‘read’. If you have a good...

The Why and How of ‘怎么’ (zenme)

You probably know that ‘怎么’ (zenme) means ‘how’, but are you aware that it also has the meaning of ‘why’? So how do you know when it means ‘how’ and when it means ‘why’? Also, when it refers...